About Ils


Institute of Life Sciences is established as a direct department of Southeast University to commit to a high level of        scientific research when Southeast University implies a leapfrog development strategy implementation. Institute of Life Sciences contains “ Key Laboratory of Developmental genes and Human Diseases, Ministry of Education(/ldghd)”, Biology doctoral research center, first level subject master’s degree of Biology and second level subject doctoral degree of Genetics. The Genetics subject is especially appraised as Professor job-setting subjects and the “Tenth Five-Year “, “Eleventh Five-Year” key disciplines of Colleges and Universities in JiangsuProvince by Cheung Kong Scholars of Ministry of Education.

Now the Key Laboratory of Developmental Genes and Human Diseases under Ministry of Education has abundant resource of faculty, including a professor specially invited by Cheung Kong Scholars Program of Ministry of Education, a 973 Chief Scientist, four laureates of China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists , 2 awardees of the New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project, two professors who receive subsidies from the state council, two of the first batch of young scientific and technological leading talents of Jiangsu Province 333 High-level Personnel Training Project, four excellent youth teachers of Blue Project. In recent years, it obtained construction funds up to more than 20 million RMB from 985 Program and 211 Program and then established the sharing stage of gene modification and phenotype analysis, which uses several model animals, such as mouse , Drosophila and C. elegans. It has four stable research fields, which includes the study of development related gene function and the molecular mechanism and therapy of nerve development related diseases. It gained three National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, more than 20 National Natural Science Foundation of China, a National 973 Foundation including 3 programs, a fund from NIH, a Science Scholarship for The Excellent Youth Scholars of Ministry of Education of China and several Provincial research funding.